Let’s Shout Hooray For Daddies!
Father’s Day may have been and gone, but we don’t have to shout hooray for daddies just once a year! We have a new opportunity today, to say thank you to daddies for all they do for their children. Here at Bible Buds, we are aware not every child has a father. That’s why today’s Bible story is about a father-figure and our Heavenly Father God. We can shout hooray for Father God, earthly fathers and any father-figures in our lives!
So get your voices ready, and shout hooray for daddies!
Did you shout hooray for daddies? Great job! But don’t forget about all the mummies in our world – why not shout hooray for them too, and say thanks for all they do!
If you want to find out more about Bible Buds, go to our ‘About’ page or ‘Look Inside’ page to download a sample of Bible Buds Session 1. Or get in touch with the Bible Buds office on our ‘Contact’ page.
Have a great day, see you tomorrow for Summer Throwback #9!