Bible Buds Adventures is Launched!

After lots of hard work in the Bible Buds office, we are proud to announce the first ever ‘Bible Buds Adventures’ animation! Aimed at pre-schoolers, Bible Buds Adventures is bound to put a smile on young children’s faces, and provide a fun activity for families to do together too!

So get comfy, get excited and meet Bud and the Bible Buddies for our first ever Bible Buds Adventure! In this episode we will explore Psalm 23, and have some fun crafts to do too!

We hope you enjoyed the first ever Bible Buds Adventure! All the Bible Buddies are taken from the Bible Buds resource, which you can buy in our shop. And if that’s not enough fun for one day, there is a discount offer on for a limited time only! Check out the details here!

All that’s left to say is Good-baa Bible Buddies!