Well, last week was one action-packed week! Anna and the Bible Buddies had lots of fun completing the first Bible Buds LIVE. Each weekday morning at 10am, our Facebook Page woke up… it was time for Bible Buds!
We started the proceedings by singing the ‘Bible Buddies in your Buggies’ song to find Mr Bible! After he appeared, Mr Bible would then say some special words, which were built on each day to form our theme for the week:
“Make your light shine so that others will see the good that you do.” Matthew 5:16
Mr Bible’s words were very special – we even had a few viewers say hello to Mr Bible in the comments!
After saying goodbye to Mr Bible, each morning focussed on a different aspect of Session 6 from Book 1: Bertie Badger and Betsy Bear sketches, a Bible story about Joseph’s light shining, colourful oats to play with, scratch art coats, prison constructions (and demolitions) and pretty pumpkins! Anna really took to the ‘Blue Peter’ vibe and managed to get ‘Here’s one I made earlier’ in there too!
The week went super fast, but we finished with a bang, and had our very own light party. Anna and the Bible Buddies dressed up in light coloured clothes, including some light up rings and glowsticks! After a fun light-themed party game and light-coloured party snacks (including a marmite sandwich on white bread!) we reached the end of our session, and the end of our week. We had so much fun together, with all our viewers as we celebrated God’s light that wins over darkness.
So there you go, our first ever Bible Buds Live! If you want to relive all the fun, then check out all 5 sessions on our Facebook Page. And the great news is, because it was such a success, we plan to continue Bible Buds Live every fortnight for the next half term. In fact, we’ve already started this week, with a live session about Bonfire Night, linking it to Moses and the burning bush!
And if you are wondering, there is a reason Bible Buds Live is happening fortnightly! On the other fortnights, we plan to share some videos for anyone interested in using Bible Buds. The Covid-19 pandemic has meant that a lot of groups aren’t running, or are running online events. We are excited about the prospect of using Bible Buds in different ways, and want to show how Bible Buds can be adapted during this tricky time.
So please join us over the next half term for some more Bible Buds fun!